The basic principles of sport nutrition are not one-size fits all and are different based on sport or type of athletes. Topics addressed here include sport nutrition planning, all-day recovery, differences in team sport and endurance recommendations and hot topics. Additionally, the field of sport nutrition is both science and art, and the application of scientific principles to real-world athletics is critical. Therefore, a lecture is included on practical considerations for
implementing sports nutrition science.
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Body Composition: Concepts, Assessment, Classifications and Application for Athletes
Going the Distance: Fueling Endurance Performance
Low Carbohydrate Diets for Athletes
Making Weight for Combat Sports
Nutrition and Training Plans to Alter Body Composition
Practical Considerations of Implementing Sports Nutrition Science
Recovery Nutrition Beyond the Post-Exercise Window
Sports Nutrition Planning Pre, During and Post Play
Sports Nutrition for High-Intensity, Intermittent Activity: Fueling the Team Sport Athlete
Vegetarian and Vegan Diets for Athletes