
Topics: Technology

July 2023

Fluid Balance and Carbohydrate Intake of Elite Female Soccer Players during Training and Competition

Tarnowski, CA, Rollo I, Carter JM, Lizarraga-Dallo, MA, Oliva MP, Clifford T, James LJ, Randell, RK

Open Access

Skin‐Interfaced Microfluidic System with Machine Learning‐Enabled Image Processing of Sweat Biomarkers in Remote Settings

Baker, LB, Seib, MS, Barnes, KA, Brown, SD, King, MA, De Chavez PJD, Qu S, Archer J, Wolfe AS, Stofan JR

Open Access

Topics: Hydration & Thermoregulation

July 2022

Topics: Sport Specific, Sports Nutrition, Recovery

December 2021

Physiological characteristics of female soccer players and health and performance considerations: a narrative review

Randell RK, Clifford T, Drust B, Moss SL, Unnithan VB, De Ste Croix MBA, Datson N, Martin D, Mayho H, Carter JM, Rollo I

Open Access

Topics: Sports Nutrition, Sport Specific

July 2021

Evaluation of Omega-3 Status in Professional Basketball Players

Davis JK, Freese EC, Wolfe AS, Basham SA, Stein KMW

Topics: Supplements, Sports Nutrition

July 2021

Neuromuscular, endocrine, and perceptual recovery after a youth American football game

Davis JK, Wolfe AS, Basham SA, Freese EC, De Chavez PJD

Topics: Training & Performance, Recovery

May 2021

Skin-interfaced microfluidic system with personalized sweating rate and sweat chloride analytics for sports science applications

Baker LB, Model JB, Barnes KA, Anderson ML, Lee SP, Lee KA, Brown SD, Reimel AJ, Roberts TJ, Nuccio RP, Bonsignore JL, Ungaro CT, Carter JM, Li W, Seib MS, Reeder JT, Aranyosi AJ, Rogers JA, Ghaffari R

Open Access

Topics: Hydration & Thermoregulation

December 2020

Role of sports psychology and sports nutrition in return to play from musculoskeletal injuries in professional soccer: an interdisciplinary approach

Rollo I, Carter JM, Close GL, Yanguas J, Gomez-Diaz A, Medina Leal D, Duda JL, Holohan D, Erith SJ, Podlog L

Open Access

Topics: Athlete Health, Sports Nutrition

July 2020


All work featured here is funded and/or conducted by GSSI.

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