
The links in this section will take you to podcasts on which the GSSI team has appeared as guests.


Vitamin D for Health and Performance

All Me Podcast/Taylor Hooten Foundation

Did you know 25% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D and 41% are considered below sufficiency status? Is this because of the inability to get enough from the food supply or lack of sunlight in certain parts of the country? In this podcast, we speak with Dr. Kimberly Stein from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute to discuss the versatility of this nutrient and its important role in health and human performance. Dr. Stein discusses the functions of vitamin D, how to correct a deficiency, the best sources of vitamin D, and how much does someone need to reach an optimal level. 

Kimberly Stein PhD

February 2024

Topics: Supplements, Sports Nutrition, Athlete Health