
November 2016


Davis JK, Baker LB, Barnes K, Ungaro C, Stofan J.

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Glycogen replenishment and repeated maximal effort exercise: effect of liquid carbohydrate.

Haub MD, Potteiger JA, Jacobsen DJ, Nau KL, Magee LA, Comeau MJ.

Topics: Carbohydrate, Training & Performance, Recovery

December 1999

Rehydration after exercise in the heat: a comparison of 4 commonly used drinks.

Shirreffs SM, Aragon-Vargas LF, Keil M, Love TD, Phillips S.

Pre-sleep dietary protein-derived amino acids are incorporated in myofibrillar protein during post-exercise overnight recovery.

Trommelen J, Kouw IWK, Holwerda AM, Snijders T, Halson SL, Rollo I, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJC.

Topics: Sports Nutrition, Recovery, Protein

May 2018

Topics: Sport Specific, Sports Nutrition, Recovery

December 2021

All work featured here is funded and/or conducted by GSSI.

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