
The links in this section will take you to podcasts on which the GSSI team has appeared as guests.


Caffeine's Effect on Performance & Health

All Me Podcast/Taylor Hooten Foundation

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world as in 2021, over 166 million bags of coffee was consumed. An 8-ounce cup of coffee can have anywhere between 60-135 mg of caffeine depending on the type consumed.  But why do so many people need their caffeine fix? Market research tells us roughly 70% drink it for its taste, while 62% consume it for an extra boost of energy and 34% have some for the added focus.

Did you know caffeine is an effective ergogenic aid?  In this podcast, we speak with Dr. Rebecca Randell from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute to define an ergogenic aid, the benefits of caffeine for athletes, and are there any health benefits and side effects from consuming caffeine.      

Rebecca Randell PhD, FECSS

Sports Performance and Recovery

The Health Me Podcast

In this podcast Dr Eric Freese discusses different aspects of performance and recovery. More specifically we discuss factors that make elite performers compete at a high level and how they change these factors for optimal recovery.

Eric Freese PhD

February 2022

Topics: Training & Performance, Recovery

Optimizing Human Health & Performance

Progress, Potential and Possibilities

Dr James Carter discusses his background and the history of GSSI before diving into different aspects of athlete health and performance. 

James Carter PhD